Hello friends, if you have an Epson printer like L380 and the red light is flashing xerox copy and printout is not happening in your epson printer and you are . very worried about the red light blinking in the printer, today I will tell you what is the solution to the red. light problem in the printer.
Red light in Epson printer is also related to hardware problem. It is also related to software problem. Today I am telling you how to recognize the hardware problem and how to recognize the software problem.
Identify Epson Printer Software Problem Your printer power light stable and red light blinking one by one pc command print error message show a printers ink pad is at the end of its service life please contact epson support 100% software problem your Printer , Red light in printer, a software comes to solve the problem.

The printer is adjusted with it.The name is Epson Adjustment Program,, epson reset tool download below link Epson L380/L383/L385/L485 Ink pad reset software Download ———————————————————- Click here to download software
After downloading you can contact me, I will fix your printer in five minutes. Are you non technical person ? Don’t know how to reset need help click here to contact us
Identify Epson Printer Software Problem
Even if any part gets damaged in your printer, the problem of red light occurs in the printer. The scanner problem will still persist in your printer. Photo will not be able to print. In case of scanner problem, it is also solved by opening the printer’s scanner and cleaning it. If any part gets damaged, it is also solved by changing it, but mostly. It is better to open and clean the printer’s scanner. There will be a problem in drawing the paper in the printer, the red light will come on in the printer, any part of the part has become very bad, the problem of red light has come in the printer, the solution is printer service and the bad part, it can be cured by changing the part.
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